Saturday, 25 April 2015

BOOK | Magical Seira 4: Sand Castle by Sitta Karina

Penulis Sitta Karina
Penerbit Buah Hati
Shop [ here ]
Harga IDR 28.000,- (after discount)
Rate 3/5 at Goodreads 

Seira dihadapkan sekali lagi pada petualangan ala negeri antah berantah yang baru saja ia kenal, Madriva. Kali ini ia bertarung melawan seseorang dari keturunan bangsawan, yang mana itu berarti masih sodaraan sama Paduka Seth   alias Abel.

Chiko alias Cokro Hanafiah baru saja mengalami kecelakaan pesawat yang mana hanya dia satu-satunya penumpang yang selamat. Padahal pesawat yang ia tumpangi jatuh ke laut dan mestinya ia ikut hancur berkeping-keping di dalamnya. Anehnya, di dalam puingan pesawat ditemukan banyak sekali pasir.

Sejak kecelakaan itu, Chiko bukan lagi pribadi yang sama. Lebih easy going dan... terkesan menyamai Reno dan Nara, sepupunya yang dicap playboy kelas kakap. Termasuk ketika bertemu Seira di annual gala yang diselenggarakan di kediamannya. Dan malam itu, adalah awal mula segalanya.

Seira baru menyadari, bahwa Chiko adalah jiwa kembar Killian   sang penguasa Istana Pasir yang terletak di dasar Samudra Galatea, di Madriva. Killian datang ke Kaia   ke bumi, karena ia membawa sebuah misi. Misinya melibatkan Seira yang terpaksa menjadi tawanannya demi mendapatkan apa yang sebenernya diincar Killian, yaitu Paduka Seth.

Seira diculik dan dibawa Killian ke Istana Pasir yang ada di bawah laut. Ia tidak bisa berkutik karena bawah laut adalah wilayah kekuasaan Killian, ia tidak akan bisa bernapas di dalam air jika tanpa kehendak Killian. Kekuatannya juga tidak bisa bekerja maksimal, karena sekali saja Killian menarik ijinnya untuk bernapas, habis sudah nyawanya.

Satu-satunya harapan adalah Abel. Sayangnya chakra yang dimiliki Paduka Seth tidak juga muncul di dalam dirinya, kini ia hanya seorang manusia biasa tanpa kekuatan super dari negeri Madriva. Namun, bagaimanapun kondisinya, Abel sudah bertekad akan membawa Seira kembali ke bumi. Karena sekali Seira menginjakkan kaki ke dalam Istana Pasir, ia akan kehilangan Seira selamanya. 

Bantuan untuk Abel sangat terbatas dan hanya itu yang bisa ia andalkan untuk saat ini. Apakah Seira berhasil selamat kembali ke bumi    bersama Abel? 

Baca kelanjutan ceritanya di buku yaa ;)

Thursday, 23 April 2015

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Choosing What to Read Next (Day-10)

Alright, 10th day, everyone! :D 5 more and we're done. Wish me luck ;)

Anywaaaays, in this 10th post, the question is about the way to choose the next book to read. Well, I've never thought there's such thing like a special method to choose what to read next, until I joined this challenge. LOL! :D

So, as you can guess, this kinda concept is purely new to me. And I don't think I have a specific way on choosing the next book to read. Or maybe I do?

When I bought a lot of books from a bookstore, I tend to read the thinnest one first. Usually comic books, then moved to the thin book and the thickest book will be the last to read. 

And when I bought books with different languages, I tend to choose the Indonesian books first. I don't know, I guess the idea to read something in my mother-language is somehow comforting. So, Indonesian it is.

This case makes me some kinda 'abandon' the English books I've bought before the Indonesian books. I have some books I bought from Periplus couple years a go and haven't read them till now :p Just because I have more interesting Indonesian books I just bought and they're more comfortable to read than the English ones LOL!

Alright, that's my way (or excuse?) in choosing the next book to read. Do you have a special method or maybe a list   like to-be-read list in a certain order   for choosing what to read next? Spill some! ^^

Have a nice day! :)

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Monday, 20 April 2015

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Why Blog About Books (Day-9)

Oh my God, this is not as easy as I thought it would be! Writing the 9th post feels difficult since I have to divide my time with my other blog and office last week was getting busier. Ugh! -_-*

But now, since I'm rather slow with office and my schedule for my beauty blog is done (at least for last week), I've decided to write here   to complete what I put off last week.

Today question is "Why do you blog about books?".

Well, I'm actually not a specialized blogger as in book blogger in this blog, Treasure Bag. I am a beauty blogger, but book blogger? Nah, I'm more like a book enthusiast. I like to read and share, but not as detail as I write about a beauty post LOL! :p

However, since sometimes I also write about books here, then there must be a reason behind it, right?

I like reading books, everybody who knows me well will know about this thing. Especially when they visit my house or stalk my Goodreads account :p But write about books in my blog is something new, to be honest. I get to share what I've read or (most of the time) what I've bought from the bookstores :D And that's fun! So fun.

I started to write book reviews years ago I couldn't even remember exactly when. I even started a review blog about books, movies and music but it didn't last long and I deleted it in the end. Because I couldn't keep up with it. End of the story.

Anyway, I maintain to continue what-so-called reviewing books here in Treasure Bag after reading Stefanie Sugia's blog, Bookie Looker. Somehow it motivated me to keep writing about books. And it also helps me escaping for a boredom of my beauty blog #Oops :p

Writing about books, specifically, has helped me to get back on my old hobby. I used to buy a lot of books and read them immediately (mostly) on the weekend. But as I grow older, this hobby is less likely to happen. Since I tend to go hangout with my boyfie or doing a photo shoot for my beauty blog in my spare time.

And now, I'm motivated to share what I've read (and bought, still LOL!) here on the blog because I have something to do other than photo-shooting for my beauty blog or write a review about a product. And writing about what I love (books) is fun, especially if the books are really good, that would be a plus and makes me write (or type, in this case) even faster ;)

I don't actually go out much, I go out when my boyfie asks me out or I need to go shopping something. So, aside from my full-time job, I spend most of my time blogging (and doing everything related to it). I got bored doing my beauty blog sometimes, since I write regularly and almost become a daily routine. You know, sometimes I just feel tired to do the same thing over and over again.

Then I need an escape, and there where blogging about something else lies; my other blog. Therefore, I decided to write about books since that's what I've been doing (and kinda on hiatus in a really really really long time) all this time ;) Yes, book blogging is my escape.


Alright, how bout you? Why do you blog or write about books on your blog? Do you have the same reason as I do? Go tell! :D

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Saturday, 18 April 2015

HAUL | First Online Book Shopping Spree

Belanja di ini banyak dramanya. Lah kok?

Awalnya saya beli 4 buku. Selain 3 buku yang berhasil saya beli di bawah, ada 1 buku lagi judulnya Magic's Child by Justine Larbalestier. Nah, setelah hampir seminggu menanti, ternyata buku bener-bener out of stock. Saya minta uang sisa pembelian yang gagal dibelanjakan lagi sama buku yang saya tunjuk.

Pilih-pilih lagi dan jatuhlah pilihan ke komik Tokyo Angels by Mihona Fujii vol.2 dan vol.3. Sengaja saya pilih buku-buku lama karena buku-buku ini udah susah banget ditemuin di toko buku, kali aja toko buku online punya stoknya atau bisa mesenin ke penerbit. Eh lah kok ternyata nasibnya sama kayak sebelumnya, udah nunggu lama juga dan bukunya out of stock.

Karena udah hampir 2 minggu menanti sejak terakhir saya bayar, udah kelamaan cyiinn! Akhirnya saya minta buku-buku yang udah ready dikirim aja dan uang sisanya di-refund. Hingga kemarin lusa kalo nggak salah buku ini sampai ke tangan saya. Finally! :D

Thursday, 2 April 2015

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | 15 Interesting Things on Blogs (Day-8)

It's not easy to write these 15 things quickly, while the things I really pay attention the most are basically only half of them. In random order.

Since I have to write them fast, no space for deep thinking. My brain is smokin' here! ;) Alright, here we go, I hope I'm not being a snob: (LOL!)

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Blogging Quirks (Day-7)

7th day! Wohoooo! :D

Boy it's not easy, as I thought it would be. Today's theme is what kinda habit I possessed during blogging. Well, I've been running this blog around 4 (or maybe 5?) years but yet it gained pageviews not more than a rookie. What a shame. Yeah.

Anywaaaayy, after several years of what-so-called-blogging, I finally now realize my vibe to blog. I blog (kinda) regularly these days since I own a themed blog (it's a beauty blog, FYI), which ease me to find inspiration. Because it's so easy, the topic each day is already set and I just have to be encouraged to write based on the schedule I've already made.


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