Tuesday 30 December 2008

Got Beautifully Sick

Rasanya saya sudah skip ke fase perkembangan paling akhir dalam kehidupan manusia, Masa Dewasa Akhir alias Lanjut Usia. Yes, this fuckin 20 makes me feel drop-dead old because I can't stay away from illness for just a day! I dunno, maybe it's because I think everything too deep or whatever. Alright, it's like a domino effect just happened in my life recently and unfortunately it's still going on for some reasons. So what's the trouble maker? INSOMNIA Yeah, I told you before if I got this kinda sleep disorder recently dan saya masih mengalaminya sekitar 3-4 malam dalam seminggu. Especially, malam-malam sibuk di mana tugas-tugas belum kelar atau mikirin desain tertentu. I just don't know how to get the damn rid of it. It's still going on even when I'm at home. I type very well at night and keep getting better at midnight. Terrible, I know. ANEMIA This one, I've already had it since years a go and I'm really used to it. But, it changed my perception recently that IT IS something till my mother made me to get some sleep. At night of course. She thinks that my anemia recently (till I look like a drug-user for eagerly hunt for Sangobion) is caused by my insomnia. Less sleeping can cause hyper tense or hypo tense. My head got easily like spinning anytime. I told her that I can't sleep, if I'm trying I won't fall asleep for about 2 hours lying for nothing on my bed. So, I'd better continuing my story or write some blog postings or drawing or anything than just staring at the ceiling for hours. HAIR FALL I'm really ashamed to know this kinda fact. For real! I'm getting bold in 25, ladies and gentlemen. Once I tried to do some hair treatment in a spa near my grandma's house and the beautician said that I got my hairfall because there's something wrong with my blood current and she added that it can also caused by stress, then she massaged me (shiatsu I guess) to make it all better and she did it! I even bought a hairmask for hair fall to repair my hair problem. Wish it's getting better. STOMACHACHE The latest thing happened in my body. I don't eat chilies or any kinda food that can send your stomach in trouble. I eat save food; sweet or yummy one, not the extreme taste like hot or any strange favor. So, I don't know what cause my stomach into this trouble :[ For some reason, I think it's because I don't take everything too deep in my mind in order to avoid stress but then it's damaged my stomach. Silly but somehow make sense. Well, those four problems are enough for sending me SICK. I don't want more, I don't wanna be sick. I hate when my body sick and I know nobody wants to be sick. I can't laugh like I want, I can't walk; jump or even run as I want. I can't think as much as I want. I keep my body calm and not moving too much, so I won't feel the illness. I hate this condition like hell!


  1. Oh, I hope you start feeling better very soon... I'm sending you a bundle of well-wishes.

    Happy New Year sweetie... cheers to 2009!


  2. I really hope u get better.
    Happy New year :)

  3. thank you girls :]]

    I'm getting better recently,
    I try to make it better all the time

  4. oh i have insomnia and anemia ughh i hate it, im must eat chocolate everydays, i dislike chocolate :[


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