Rasanya saya sudah skip ke fase perkembangan paling akhir dalam kehidupan manusia, Masa Dewasa Akhir alias Lanjut Usia. Yes, this fuckin 20 makes me feel drop-dead old because I can't stay away from illness for just a day! I dunno, maybe it's because I think everything too deep or whatever. Alright, it's like a domino effect just happened in my life recently and unfortunately it's still going on for some reasons. So what's the trouble maker?
Yeah, I told you before if I got this kinda sleep disorder recently dan saya masih mengalaminya sekitar 3-4 malam dalam seminggu. Especially, malam-malam sibuk di mana tugas-tugas belum kelar atau mikirin desain tertentu. I just don't know how to get the damn rid of it. It's still going on even when I'm at home. I type very well at night and keep getting better at midnight. Terrible, I know.
This one, I've already had it since years a go and I'm really used to it. But, it changed my perception recently that IT IS something till my mother made me to get some sleep. At night of course. She thinks that my anemia recently (till I look like a drug-user for eagerly hunt for Sangobion) is caused by my insomnia. Less sleeping can cause hyper tense or hypo tense. My head got easily like spinning anytime. I told her that I can't sleep, if I'm trying I won't fall asleep for about 2 hours lying for nothing on my bed. So, I'd better continuing my story or write some blog postings or drawing or anything than just staring at the ceiling for hours.
I'm really ashamed to know this kinda fact. For real! I'm getting bold in 25, ladies and gentlemen. Once I tried to do some hair treatment in a spa near my grandma's house and the beautician said that I got my hairfall because there's something wrong with my blood current and she added that it can also caused by stress, then she massaged me (shiatsu I guess) to make it all better and she did it! I even bought a hairmask for hair fall to repair my hair problem. Wish it's getting better.
The latest thing happened in my body. I don't eat chilies or any kinda food that can send your stomach in trouble. I eat save food; sweet or yummy one, not the extreme taste like hot or any strange favor. So, I don't know what cause my stomach into this trouble :[ For some reason, I think it's because I don't take everything too deep in my mind in order to avoid stress but then it's damaged my stomach. Silly but somehow make sense.
Well, those four problems are enough for sending me SICK. I don't want more, I don't wanna be sick. I hate when my body sick and I know nobody wants to be sick. I can't laugh like I want, I can't walk; jump or even run as I want. I can't think as much as I want. I keep my body calm and not moving too much, so I won't feel the illness. I hate this condition like hell!
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Another Cinderella Story
Staring: Selena Gomez, Drew Seeley, Jane Lynch
Emang sih ceritanya klasik banget, apalagi kalo bukan remake dongeng lama jaman anak-anak dulu: Cinderella. Cuma bedanya, yang ini udah dipoles ke jaman modern yang Pangerannya adalah seorang teen idol bernama Joey Parker (Drew Seeley) dan 'cinderella'-nya adalah Mary Santiago (Selena Gomez) yang tinggal bersama ibu angkatnya yang seorang diva yang popularitasnya mulai meredup bernama Dominique Blatt (Jamie Lynch).
Nggak ketinggalan duo stepsister yang 'setia menghiasi' hari-hari Mary si cinderella. Cinderella versi modern tentu mengingatkan kita pada film serupa berjudul A Cinderella's Story yang dibintangi Hilary Duff dan Chad Michael Murray, di film itu Sam 'the cinderella' meninggalkan cellphone (instead of a glass slipper). Nah, kalo film yang satu ini, cinderella alias Mary meninggalkan Zune-nya (pemutar musik portable) di lantai dansa usai berdansa dengan si pangeran alias Joey Parker.
Film yang ternyata produksi WarnerBross ini (kirain Disney lho awalnya!) memasang duo cewek-cowok yang mungkin bisa dibandingin sama duet Troy-Grabriella HSM, mengingat keduanya besar melalui Disney Kingdom. Bahkan Selena Gomez, pemeran Mary, dikabarkan merupakan the Next Miley Cyrus yang menurut saya salah besar. Melihat akting Selena Gomez yang sebelumnya main di TV series berjudul Wizard of Waverly Place, membuat saya berpikir bahwa dia punya sesuatu yang Miley nggak punya. She can dance even better than the girls in HSM. Ada adegan di mana dia harus battle dengan pemeran Joey, Drew Seeley dan saya sempat berpikir saya sedang nonton Step Up, bukannya film bertema cinderella-thing. Pokoknya seru banget nonton film yang udah saya tunggu-tunggu sejak pertama kali lihat trailer-nya di Disney Channel berbulan-bulan yang lalu. Puas lah! Disney emang nggak pernah ngecewain penontonnya.
Fave scene:
the dance competition, when Joey asked Mary to dance with him dan berakhir dengan dance battle. KEREN KEREN KEREN!!!
Emang sih ceritanya klasik banget, apalagi kalo bukan remake dongeng lama jaman anak-anak dulu: Cinderella. Cuma bedanya, yang ini udah dipoles ke jaman modern yang Pangerannya adalah seorang teen idol bernama Joey Parker (Drew Seeley) dan 'cinderella'-nya adalah Mary Santiago (Selena Gomez) yang tinggal bersama ibu angkatnya yang seorang diva yang popularitasnya mulai meredup bernama Dominique Blatt (Jamie Lynch).
Nggak ketinggalan duo stepsister yang 'setia menghiasi' hari-hari Mary si cinderella. Cinderella versi modern tentu mengingatkan kita pada film serupa berjudul A Cinderella's Story yang dibintangi Hilary Duff dan Chad Michael Murray, di film itu Sam 'the cinderella' meninggalkan cellphone (instead of a glass slipper). Nah, kalo film yang satu ini, cinderella alias Mary meninggalkan Zune-nya (pemutar musik portable) di lantai dansa usai berdansa dengan si pangeran alias Joey Parker.
Film yang ternyata produksi WarnerBross ini (kirain Disney lho awalnya!) memasang duo cewek-cowok yang mungkin bisa dibandingin sama duet Troy-Grabriella HSM, mengingat keduanya besar melalui Disney Kingdom. Bahkan Selena Gomez, pemeran Mary, dikabarkan merupakan the Next Miley Cyrus yang menurut saya salah besar. Melihat akting Selena Gomez yang sebelumnya main di TV series berjudul Wizard of Waverly Place, membuat saya berpikir bahwa dia punya sesuatu yang Miley nggak punya. She can dance even better than the girls in HSM. Ada adegan di mana dia harus battle dengan pemeran Joey, Drew Seeley dan saya sempat berpikir saya sedang nonton Step Up, bukannya film bertema cinderella-thing. Pokoknya seru banget nonton film yang udah saya tunggu-tunggu sejak pertama kali lihat trailer-nya di Disney Channel berbulan-bulan yang lalu. Puas lah! Disney emang nggak pernah ngecewain penontonnya.
Fave scene:
the dance competition, when Joey asked Mary to dance with him dan berakhir dengan dance battle. KEREN KEREN KEREN!!!
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Twilight The Movie
Staring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Nikki Reed, Taylor Lautner, Kellan Lutz
Diangkat dari novel best-seller karya Stephenie Meyer, Twilight bercerita tentang kisah romance plus heroic antara seorang manusia dan seorang vampir. Definitely forbidden love. Versi filmnya pun dibuat tak lama setelah bukunya menjadi perbincangan di mana-mana. Dibintangi oleh Kirsten Stewart (Panic Room) sebagai Isabella Swan dan Robert Pattinson (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) sebagai Edward Cullen the dazzling vampire. Film pertama dari keempat seri ini menceritakan tentang perjuangan Edward menyelamatkan Bella dari serangan vampir yang non-vegetarian seperti dirinya dan keluarga Cullen, James.
What I didn't like about the movie is I wish there're more fogs, darker and more gray on set. Just like Harry Potter I guess, kinda magic-mystic movie so I think the setting would be look a like. Because that's the point I got after I read the book. Selain itu, sejumlah scenes yang mengkorelasikan cerita dihilangkan sehingga saya yang udah baca bukunya malah bingung nonton filmnya. Saya nggak tahu gimana kesan orang yang belum baca bukunya tapi udah nonton filmnya, apakah bingung juga kayak saya atau gimana (lil Alya said it was a good movie). Karena banyak banget adegan yang kesannya tiba-tiba tanpa ada latar belakang yang mendasarinya. But overall, I agree with lil Alya, it's a good movie though. Soundtrack-nya keren (Paramore, emang TOP deh!), pemainnya juga mendukung. Kerenlah!
Next obsession: buy the DVD!
Twilight and me
Hot Thursday #2: Meeting Edward Cullen
FINALLY!!!!!!!! Setelah penantian sekian lama, setelah memendam jealous ke temen-temen Twilight Indonesia yang menang undian nonton premiere Twilight dari majalah, setelah memendam sirik sama orang-orang Amrik yang udah premiere duluan, akhirnya saya nonton Twilight juga!!
Yep, masih di hari yang sama dengan Birtday Party Scorpio Gang. Sorenya saya nonton Twilight di XXI Tunjungan Plaza, karena siangnya saya masih ada kuliah Psikologi Kepribadian. Lega, lega, lega!
Saya nonton Twilight rasanya jadi kayak rekreasi keluarga. Seriously. Bedanya bokap, nyokap dan dua adik cowok saya tidak ikut serta kali ini. Nah, trus saya sama siapa dunk? I went with ibuuu, bapaak and lil Aliya. Who are they? They're kinda my family when I'm far with my own family ahaha. They are mbak Anty, mas Ridzki and lil Aliya (Anty's lil sister). Posisi saya jadi apa di dalam 'keluarga kecil' itu? Hmm... just guess! :]
Alright, I'm gonna talk about the movie now. Overall, it's not bad but I'm gonna say it's a bit dissapointing. Kesannya kayak dipotong-potong, like unrelated scenes yang ditampilkan jadi satu. I dunno why, mungkin gara-gara dipotong LSF juga ato emang gitu. Yang jelas saya kecewa juga sama hasilnya. Nanti kalau udah keluar DVD-nya, saya mau beli biar puas mantengin si ganteng Edward Cullen :D
More reviews about Twilight the movie, you can visit [ here ].
Yep, masih di hari yang sama dengan Birtday Party Scorpio Gang. Sorenya saya nonton Twilight di XXI Tunjungan Plaza, karena siangnya saya masih ada kuliah Psikologi Kepribadian. Lega, lega, lega!
Saya nonton Twilight rasanya jadi kayak rekreasi keluarga. Seriously. Bedanya bokap, nyokap dan dua adik cowok saya tidak ikut serta kali ini. Nah, trus saya sama siapa dunk? I went with ibuuu, bapaak and lil Aliya. Who are they? They're kinda my family when I'm far with my own family ahaha. They are mbak Anty, mas Ridzki and lil Aliya (Anty's lil sister). Posisi saya jadi apa di dalam 'keluarga kecil' itu? Hmm... just guess! :]
Alright, I'm gonna talk about the movie now. Overall, it's not bad but I'm gonna say it's a bit dissapointing. Kesannya kayak dipotong-potong, like unrelated scenes yang ditampilkan jadi satu. I dunno why, mungkin gara-gara dipotong LSF juga ato emang gitu. Yang jelas saya kecewa juga sama hasilnya. Nanti kalau udah keluar DVD-nya, saya mau beli biar puas mantengin si ganteng Edward Cullen :D
More reviews about Twilight the movie, you can visit [ here ].
Twilight and me
Hot Thursday #1: Scorpio Gang's Birthday Party
Hari yang bener-bener blessing, karena I was really having fun that day! Setelah kelas Psikologi Belajar, saya dan BLM sistas langsung cabut ke Pizza Hut Manyar Kertoarjo. Di sanalah anak-anak BLM berzodiak Scorpio melangsungkan Birthday Celebration mereka (part 1). Akhirnya, setelah menanti sekian lama. Kyaaa~!!! Diputuskan hari itu tanggal 4 Desember, sekalipun udah nggak dalam suasana November.
Rasanya kayak lagi shooting iklan Pizza Hut beneran, where many people gathered in one big table and eat delicious pizza in several pans. Menu hari itu adalah Sensasi Delight berempat yang varian pizza-nya macem-macem, yang pasti all good :D
Karena minumnya terbatas, jadi cuma bisa mesen coke sama Milky soda yang kata Amel kayak Beras Kencur (maklum dari kampung hehe). But overall, we all end up with a belly hanging on our body ahaha.
Di akhir acara, kita semua dapet balon warna-warni yang udah dibentuk melingkar sedemikian rupa sehingga ada miniatur anjing Puddle di ujungnya. Masing-masing dapet satu dan tentunya foto bareng dunk pake topi balonnya :]
Kita udah kayak anak TK lagi celebrate 5th birthday aja. Nggak kayak anak kuliahan sama sekali! Minta macem-macem lah ke mbaknya; minta difotoin bolak-balik (emang urat malunya udah putus semua). But, inilah having fun yang sesungguhnya sodara-sodara :D
I wanna say thanks to the Scorpio gang; Mia, Tammy, Amel and Phebe, for inviting us all to your party guys. Happy birthday to you all!
Monday, 1 December 2008
Blog Launching
I just created a new blog and I include it on this blog because I wanna have a special feature about stuff reviews (book, music and movie). Started from a boredom of limitation in REVIEW section on Friendster then I start to make it on my own. So, just visit here if you wanna read the reviews of my collection, including; books I read, musics on my playlist, or movies I just watched.Also, don't hesitate to leave some comments about my reviews or even your own reviews. You can share your opinion about the things I reviewed. Oh, don't worry if you don't have any blogger account. You still can leave comments, you can put your social network URL or whatever.
Alright, have fun reading !
P.S.: find the link to lead you there on the LINK LUNK section
I've been writing lots of description about my self, but I think it's never been enough. Besides, I don't like telling people what or who I am. I'd prefer people make an assessment about me in their opinion based on what I did. And now, it doesn't mean that I change my opinion or what, I just wanna tell you some facts about me so that you know me better or even complete the information about me :]
My alter-ego name and I love that name. It doesn't tell you that I hate my own name or what, I just don't like my personal life being exposed here. So, only a few people in this cyberspace know my real name because they're my friends or my family. So, don't hesitate to call me Sara here okay :]
I know this holy thing since I was in kindergarten. This special gift I have was like being explored and controled at the time. I just need to make sure my self that this is my thing. I can do it better everytime and I'm good at it. And now, I know that I always adore every artworks that human's created and fallen for any artworks created by God. The way I love art might be different, I won't describe how but it's just always gimme a new life, a new inspiration and a new breath to take.
It's kinda a habit for me now. My father always invited me to go to a well-known bookstore in this country, Gramedia, since I was little. It was like a playground for me at the time. He left me in kids section and he went to Economy section him self. I don't remember how exactly it started but all I know is I always feel encourage to grab book as many as I can right after I see them :]] Especially, books with pictures on it. Apparantly, this book-freaks habit sent me to another gift. My secondary school teacher showed me, indirectly. The next thing I realized is I'm good at writing. And I'm sure I can do something with this conventional thing.
This is an incidental choice I made actually. I'm studying Psychology in a well-known university in Surabaya, Airlangga University. Yeah, now I believe that God always have a plan for you, never ever doubt it! Something I never guess I would into it but now it's like I'm really greatful God sent me to know this subject. It turns me into someone undercontrol or something like that. Seriously, it changes the way I'm thinking about people right now. Of course in a good way.
Well, I was stupid at computer thing when I was in elementary school. Then everything's change since I knew internet. I always love new things and internet is like feeding me, you know what I mean. And the last thing I know is I'm addicted to internet till I need some kinda theraphy which I did by my self to prove that I can't live without it. At least for a month. It's fun to know, to find, to realize that something happen in the other side of this world. Something you never guess would happen in this world, internet will prove it to you that it is happened.
I love animals, my parents didn't teach me to afraid of animals even though my mother is an Ophidiophobia. That's why I disagree any animal skin using for clothes. I against any animal hunting, especially extinct animals. They deserve this world and the O2 like human deserve. I own a giant rabbit named Snowy and I owned some younger ones named Milo, Kiko and Gigi. Actually Snowy had a partner named Louie but he died years a go and I had lots of bunnies before but because I didn't know how to take care young rabbit so well then they died. And finally, the only rabbit left is Snowy who just celebrated her 4th birthday this September.
I don't know many people well, because I'm an introvert person but I have some fellas that I love so much. I'm trying to be good to people right now, don't ask me what I did before. I was worse than a vampire trust me. There are some people who saved my life from a destruction and a dark life forever. They've open my mind indirectly and I finally open my self to everyone, but still, I'm not gonna send my self into an over-exposed spot. Basically, I'm still the same person. I'll avoid spotlight as hard as I can. Say, I work behind the scene.
Yes, I do. Even though I don't join any environtment-care-organization but I plant it on my mind. I mean, I start it with my self. The world is changing right now people! You wanna lose it or keep it till you grand-grand-grand...grand-children still see the same earth like we have. If you don't care why the sun seems so hot or even the rain drops looks like ice, then you need to ask your self: are you human or alien? Please don't do anything wasted or sucking up the green environtment.
I hate talking about anything not today though my personality categorized me as an organized-mind person. There's a moment when I'm stuck in the past but I love remembering the nice memory I have. In the other hand, the days in the future is my favorite thing to imagine yet a nightmare for me. It's just I'd prefer to face the day I realize my consciousness right now than the one in the past or even in the moment when I can image my self wearing high heels or whatever.
I don't share my personal information on the internet (phone number, address etc.), except you're my very very good friend or I know you so well. I don't do chatting so much so don't ask my YM/MSN address, because I don't chat with strangers. Just talk with me here or on Friendster/Myspace.
Hope you complete anything you wanna know about me by reading this shit. But don't bother to ask me if you need more.
My alter-ego name and I love that name. It doesn't tell you that I hate my own name or what, I just don't like my personal life being exposed here. So, only a few people in this cyberspace know my real name because they're my friends or my family. So, don't hesitate to call me Sara here okay :]
I know this holy thing since I was in kindergarten. This special gift I have was like being explored and controled at the time. I just need to make sure my self that this is my thing. I can do it better everytime and I'm good at it. And now, I know that I always adore every artworks that human's created and fallen for any artworks created by God. The way I love art might be different, I won't describe how but it's just always gimme a new life, a new inspiration and a new breath to take.
It's kinda a habit for me now. My father always invited me to go to a well-known bookstore in this country, Gramedia, since I was little. It was like a playground for me at the time. He left me in kids section and he went to Economy section him self. I don't remember how exactly it started but all I know is I always feel encourage to grab book as many as I can right after I see them :]] Especially, books with pictures on it. Apparantly, this book-freaks habit sent me to another gift. My secondary school teacher showed me, indirectly. The next thing I realized is I'm good at writing. And I'm sure I can do something with this conventional thing.
This is an incidental choice I made actually. I'm studying Psychology in a well-known university in Surabaya, Airlangga University. Yeah, now I believe that God always have a plan for you, never ever doubt it! Something I never guess I would into it but now it's like I'm really greatful God sent me to know this subject. It turns me into someone undercontrol or something like that. Seriously, it changes the way I'm thinking about people right now. Of course in a good way.
Well, I was stupid at computer thing when I was in elementary school. Then everything's change since I knew internet. I always love new things and internet is like feeding me, you know what I mean. And the last thing I know is I'm addicted to internet till I need some kinda theraphy which I did by my self to prove that I can't live without it. At least for a month. It's fun to know, to find, to realize that something happen in the other side of this world. Something you never guess would happen in this world, internet will prove it to you that it is happened.
I love animals, my parents didn't teach me to afraid of animals even though my mother is an Ophidiophobia. That's why I disagree any animal skin using for clothes. I against any animal hunting, especially extinct animals. They deserve this world and the O2 like human deserve. I own a giant rabbit named Snowy and I owned some younger ones named Milo, Kiko and Gigi. Actually Snowy had a partner named Louie but he died years a go and I had lots of bunnies before but because I didn't know how to take care young rabbit so well then they died. And finally, the only rabbit left is Snowy who just celebrated her 4th birthday this September.
I don't know many people well, because I'm an introvert person but I have some fellas that I love so much. I'm trying to be good to people right now, don't ask me what I did before. I was worse than a vampire trust me. There are some people who saved my life from a destruction and a dark life forever. They've open my mind indirectly and I finally open my self to everyone, but still, I'm not gonna send my self into an over-exposed spot. Basically, I'm still the same person. I'll avoid spotlight as hard as I can. Say, I work behind the scene.
Yes, I do. Even though I don't join any environtment-care-organization but I plant it on my mind. I mean, I start it with my self. The world is changing right now people! You wanna lose it or keep it till you grand-grand-grand...grand-children still see the same earth like we have. If you don't care why the sun seems so hot or even the rain drops looks like ice, then you need to ask your self: are you human or alien? Please don't do anything wasted or sucking up the green environtment.
I hate talking about anything not today though my personality categorized me as an organized-mind person. There's a moment when I'm stuck in the past but I love remembering the nice memory I have. In the other hand, the days in the future is my favorite thing to imagine yet a nightmare for me. It's just I'd prefer to face the day I realize my consciousness right now than the one in the past or even in the moment when I can image my self wearing high heels or whatever.
I don't share my personal information on the internet (phone number, address etc.), except you're my very very good friend or I know you so well. I don't do chatting so much so don't ask my YM/MSN address, because I don't chat with strangers. Just talk with me here or on Friendster/Myspace.
Hope you complete anything you wanna know about me by reading this shit. But don't bother to ask me if you need more.
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