Have you ever felt irritated when people criticize your work? I've been on sort of circumstances recently.
Since I barely got critics from people about my work, where doesn't mean people did complain about my work, but negative comments about what I've done. I always have reasons for everything, well, even doing a little thing such as design is no exception.
I realized that people who enjoy my work are the most objective judges that I need to listen to what they said the most, because they don't know me, ain't my bestfriends and don't know anything about what I usually do. But sometimes, they just don't know anything about what I'm doing. Follow common sense, public trend, subjectivity. Craps.

Say I'm an arrogant assholes; I say no to critics or so, but at least I try to listen to any advice or suggestion even though it hurts at first. This is my principal thingy, you may criticize if you got something better to show me. I'll learn from that, I'll take it as a good advice for my own development. I love that kinda critics, to be honest :D But what if critics shot at you in a spicy words by a smarty pants without any freakin rational arguments? I'd rather take it as craps.
I know that people are differ on their defense mechanism to critics. There's this one little part that will be hurt when someone say a negative comment to him, realize it or not, like it or not, much or less. Otherwise, I try to place my self for listening the comments before I take an immediate action to, you know, stab the person or stuff like that. Hear, what is the problem? Listen, what is the advice? Special for this last point, if it's left empty, leave it. It's just a crap from a smarty ass and you don't need to listen to it. Time wasting.
Oh call me a whining lame person or whatever, I just wanna share what I feel and think. This issue has been a major echo in my head. I try to deal with it and I guess I'm getting better. If you got the same probs as mine, hope you can deal it better than I am :]
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Series. Raise your hand if you're a fan of it!
Well, I've been following some series and they are Glee and Lie to Me. Both are contradiction to each other but who cares?

I love Glee because they got singing and dancing, and high school flicks always attract me ;] My fave from this series is they made some kinda tribute episode to some popular characters. They got Lady Gaga and Madonna on Season 1, and on Season 2, which is just started couple weeks a go, they did Britney Spears and I read on Wikipedia they will do Rocky Horror for celebrating Halloween. I find it sort of exciting :D

And I'm kinda in a crazy moment of Lie to Me. My friend tweeted about this series and it got me curious as hell. Then I watched it and yes, I can't stop to watch it since then. It really drives my curiosity to keep watching every single episode before I even realize it. Another thing that I like from this series is it's about investigating. I always wanna be one of those guys doing investigating stuff, such as detective, police and so on. But in this series, they are scientists working under FBI doing investigation of suspected lies and reveal the truth. Effin cool! :D
So, what's your favorite series? Maybe I got the same euphoria as you are and we can share our craziness together ;]
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It's been a year, and well, time flies. Nobody realize it.
I'm in the last month of my internship program right now, this month has been a hard month I've been through. Well, considering I'm in chief for every project happens on October (with 3 other guys), so I'm kinda live my life in a hectic speed.
I almost lose contacts to everybody, my bestfriends, my campus, my family. My time is mostly freakin dedicated to my office.
But beyond those hectic work, problems and so on, there's a moment when I feel so sentimental about it. I've been working with these 14 guys during my internship program and they've been a good friend of mine. They're like my own family, we spent lots of time together doing works in a fun way :D And when I realize this is our last month doing works together since almost a year a go, I guess I'm gonna miss that moments.
Once we got a huge project couple weeks a go, we all gathered (most of the team) and just worked like we use to. Jokes, did crazy stuff while doing the job. That's when it hit me. It might be our last chance to work together like that, last chance to jokes around while working. I'm gonna miss this kinda moments, I'm gonna miss these people.
Half of my internship team are seniors, they will be graduated soon. That makes it worse, there's gonna be little time to hang out together if most of us leave the college already.

If I may flash back to the old times, when I was crazy looking for skirt and formal suit to go to psychological test and then the interview on the other day, when I just knew that some of my good friends was joining the competition as well (and in the future become my partner), when I surprised everybody in my family that I was accepted, when I wish my grandma was there to see me 'working' and saw her smiling proudly. When my days are no more doing nothing.
That was a year ago, time flies. Nobody even see it run that fast. Including me.
I'd just like to say thank you. Thank you for everybody who gives me such a gold opportunity. The seniors, those who interviewed me that day (hope you read this from above, dear bro), anybody who did the decision making of me joining the team. Thank you. It means a lot for me, for my life.
My internship may not over yet, I still got couple weeks to go and I try to live my life in this office in my best way. So I can remember it in the future, that I've been working in a good place with a great team.
Love you all Semangka 15! :D
Since I barely got critics from people about my work, where doesn't mean people did complain about my work, but negative comments about what I've done. I always have reasons for everything, well, even doing a little thing such as design is no exception.
I realized that people who enjoy my work are the most objective judges that I need to listen to what they said the most, because they don't know me, ain't my bestfriends and don't know anything about what I usually do. But sometimes, they just don't know anything about what I'm doing. Follow common sense, public trend, subjectivity. Craps.

Say I'm an arrogant assholes; I say no to critics or so, but at least I try to listen to any advice or suggestion even though it hurts at first. This is my principal thingy, you may criticize if you got something better to show me. I'll learn from that, I'll take it as a good advice for my own development. I love that kinda critics, to be honest :D But what if critics shot at you in a spicy words by a smarty pants without any freakin rational arguments? I'd rather take it as craps.
I know that people are differ on their defense mechanism to critics. There's this one little part that will be hurt when someone say a negative comment to him, realize it or not, like it or not, much or less. Otherwise, I try to place my self for listening the comments before I take an immediate action to, you know, stab the person or stuff like that. Hear, what is the problem? Listen, what is the advice? Special for this last point, if it's left empty, leave it. It's just a crap from a smarty ass and you don't need to listen to it. Time wasting.
Oh call me a whining lame person or whatever, I just wanna share what I feel and think. This issue has been a major echo in my head. I try to deal with it and I guess I'm getting better. If you got the same probs as mine, hope you can deal it better than I am :]
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Series. Raise your hand if you're a fan of it!
Well, I've been following some series and they are Glee and Lie to Me. Both are contradiction to each other but who cares?
I love Glee because they got singing and dancing, and high school flicks always attract me ;] My fave from this series is they made some kinda tribute episode to some popular characters. They got Lady Gaga and Madonna on Season 1, and on Season 2, which is just started couple weeks a go, they did Britney Spears and I read on Wikipedia they will do Rocky Horror for celebrating Halloween. I find it sort of exciting :D
And I'm kinda in a crazy moment of Lie to Me. My friend tweeted about this series and it got me curious as hell. Then I watched it and yes, I can't stop to watch it since then. It really drives my curiosity to keep watching every single episode before I even realize it. Another thing that I like from this series is it's about investigating. I always wanna be one of those guys doing investigating stuff, such as detective, police and so on. But in this series, they are scientists working under FBI doing investigation of suspected lies and reveal the truth. Effin cool! :D
So, what's your favorite series? Maybe I got the same euphoria as you are and we can share our craziness together ;]
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It's been a year, and well, time flies. Nobody realize it.
I'm in the last month of my internship program right now, this month has been a hard month I've been through. Well, considering I'm in chief for every project happens on October (with 3 other guys), so I'm kinda live my life in a hectic speed.
I almost lose contacts to everybody, my bestfriends, my campus, my family. My time is mostly freakin dedicated to my office.
But beyond those hectic work, problems and so on, there's a moment when I feel so sentimental about it. I've been working with these 14 guys during my internship program and they've been a good friend of mine. They're like my own family, we spent lots of time together doing works in a fun way :D And when I realize this is our last month doing works together since almost a year a go, I guess I'm gonna miss that moments.
Once we got a huge project couple weeks a go, we all gathered (most of the team) and just worked like we use to. Jokes, did crazy stuff while doing the job. That's when it hit me. It might be our last chance to work together like that, last chance to jokes around while working. I'm gonna miss this kinda moments, I'm gonna miss these people.
Half of my internship team are seniors, they will be graduated soon. That makes it worse, there's gonna be little time to hang out together if most of us leave the college already.
guess which one is my boss?
I'm gonna miss this crazy moment
If I may flash back to the old times, when I was crazy looking for skirt and formal suit to go to psychological test and then the interview on the other day, when I just knew that some of my good friends was joining the competition as well (and in the future become my partner), when I surprised everybody in my family that I was accepted, when I wish my grandma was there to see me 'working' and saw her smiling proudly. When my days are no more doing nothing.
That was a year ago, time flies. Nobody even see it run that fast. Including me.
I'd just like to say thank you. Thank you for everybody who gives me such a gold opportunity. The seniors, those who interviewed me that day (hope you read this from above, dear bro), anybody who did the decision making of me joining the team. Thank you. It means a lot for me, for my life.
My internship may not over yet, I still got couple weeks to go and I try to live my life in this office in my best way. So I can remember it in the future, that I've been working in a good place with a great team.
Love you all Semangka 15! :D
I love series!
ReplyDeleteToss non, aku juga tergila-gila dengan Lie to me. Tim Roth is brilliant and sexy too! :p
Sekarang lagi nonton season 2nya niih.
I love Glee too, dulu yang diikutin sih lebih banyak lagi. Heroes. Desperate Housewives. Private Practice dan Grey's Anatomy. Nip/Tuck. Merlin. Banyak juga hehehe.
Okeh deh, salam kenal non :)
Hi, Mia :]
ReplyDeleteOh dear, rasanya ketemu kembaran begitu baca komen kamu ahaha. I love heroes, desperate housewives and private practice too!!! :D Series are kinda addictive, so you gotta be careful ;]
YEAH!!! Lie to me is pretty addictive, I can't wait to watch the season 3 for God's sake! :D
Salam kenal juga :]