Tuesday, 24 March 2015

RECIPE | Mashed Potato

Hi everyone,

Long weekend kemarin saya sempetin bikin-bikin makanan karena udah lama banget rasanya saya nyoba-nyobain resep baru yang saya temuin. Karena lagi tanggal tua, jadi nggak bikin resep yang membutuhkan banyak bahan atau menggunakan bahan yang premium alias harganya mahal.

Sebelumnya saya udah pernah bikin mashed potato, dulu banget jaman masih sekolah kayaknya. Tapi rasanya nggak enak dan di luar perkiraan saya, waktu itu make resep dari majalah Gogirl!. Padahal, resep-resep dari Gogirl! nggak satu-dua aja yang pernah saya cobain. Sering banget saya praktekin resepnya dan rasanya pun baik-baik aja. Entah kenapa itu resep mashed potato gagal total waktu saya praktekin -_-* #lackofskill

Karena sekarang sumber informasi lebih canggih dan resep bertebaran di internet, saya googling deh resep mashed potato yang dapat dipercaya. Nemu 1 resep yang nggak memasukkan susu/krim ke dalamnya, saya pakai resep itu deh akhirnya. Dengan pertimbangan, saya eneg aja ngebayangin kalau kentang dikasih susu/krim gitu :/ Tapi ini masalah selera, kalau suka ya monggo ;) Oh ya, resep ini juga nggak pakai biji pala atau nutmeg yang juga sering diikut sertakan dalam resep mashed potato. Karena saya lupa masukkinnya hahaha! #alesangamutu

Baiklah, sekarang kita masuk ke resepnya yuk! ;)

Friday, 20 March 2015

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | How I Shop For Books (Day-6)

The most favorite part of this challenge! Shopping! :D

Book shopping is even more relaxing than makeup hauling, for me ;) I don't know, I think it's because shopping for books has been an old activity I've learned since I was a little kid and makeup shopping just happened quite recently for the last couple years of being a young-adult.

Going shopping is divided into two kind of way; online and offline. I kinda do both. I just have to consider which way is cheaper LOL! ;)

To make this post more useful (and longer), I'm gonna write where I go shop for books as well. Here comes the list...

This is the first bookstore I've ever been to. My dad used to take me here when I wanted to do some book haul when I was a little girl. But today, I go to this bookstore everytime I visited a mall with this shop in it :D Gramedia is the place where I can find books which aren't sold in Togamas. This bookstore is so big it sells so many books from so many publishers, even the small ones. You can get any kind of books here. You can find imported books and magazines as well but not many. 

Or Petra Togamas  the branch which I often pay a visit, is the bookstore which claimed its self as A Bookstore with Discounts ("Toko Buku Diskon" in Indonesian). It has quite a complete collection of books, almost as many as Gramedia. Too bad I can't find some books from certain publishers in this bookstore. This bookstore is my favorite because it gives you quite a generous discount for all books. No, not that little 5% or 10%. It starts from 15% and the biggest I've got was 50%. For all books you can find in the store. It sells imported books recently but not the popular nor the new ones, but it sells the latest imported magazines. You can get teenVOGUE and TIME in this bookstore.

I always wanna buy something from this store since I was a kid. My dad said that this store sells English books which I couldn't read by my self at that time. And even as a teenager (with obviously a poor English understanding) I wanted to buy something from this cozy place, but I couldn't because the price range is still out of my league. Now, things get better (ehem!) and I have my own salary (which I can spend on anything I want #Oops), I finally can buy something from this store :D It held Year-End Book Sale annually and I never miss a chance to pay a visit every year for that special days ;)

I don't actually enjoy purchasing books online since the feel of touching and picking up various kind of books (and put them back in :p) is irreplaceable. However, there are times when purchasing books out of physical bookstore get even cheaper and I just can't miss that LOL! :D bukabuku is the first online bookstore I've ever purchased from. It has good service and web system (the tools are easy, user-friendly) and they offer quite a great deal for some books.

I prefer buy books through real physical bookstore, as I said earlier. However, sometimes online bookstore has great better deal when it comes to Sale. Bugger! periplus.com offers more discounted books than the physical stores. Therefore, I often drool over some books with huge amount of sale tag on it :D I've purchased from the web once and what makes me worry is the shipping estimation. It's exaggerating in my opinion. I bought a book (on Sale) and the estimation was around 3 weeks, it's like purchasing from Amazon or overseas. I've asked about this on Periplus' Twitter and he/she said it's because the book needs time to arrive in Jakarta's headquarter. While I thought it's ready stock, here, in our beloved country. And turned out that I've only waited for regular 3-5 days of shipping. What the heck was the 3 weeks for?!


In the end, wherever the bookstores are, as long as it offers great deal, I'd be happy to spend time wandering around and purchase some ^^

How about you?
Do you have any favorite bookstores?
Do you prefer online or offline bookstores? 

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Tuesday, 17 March 2015

WISHLIST | March 2015

Hai semua,

Post kali ini baru edisi perdana nih muncul di Treasure Bag, yaitu Wishlist post khusus buku aja. Kalau dulu-dulu saya pernah post yang isinya barang-barang impian dari beragam jenis. Sekarang pengen mengkhususkan ke buku aja, karena lagi pengen ningkatin frekuensi baca (daripada stalking sosmed orang #eh :p).

Nah, di edisi perdana ini, saya punya daftar buku yang lagi pengen saya baca (dan beli, for sure). Semoga ada rejeki dan bisa punya semuanya dalam waktu dekat. Yuk kita lihat, buku apa aja yang lagi saya idamkan belakangan ini...

Friday, 13 March 2015

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Recommend A Tear Jerker (Day-5)


It's the fifth-day, yay! :D 30% of the challenge has been done. Glad I can make it this far hihihi 

Anyway, the topic for today's challenge is Recommend Tear Jerker. Honestly, I never cry when I read books. But if you ask me of recommended tear jerker for movies, I've got tons of it :D

Well, since it's about books, I have to be very selected since I barely cry on even sad ending or sad story on books :D These books below have touchy story and they almost made me cry for reading it. I got too emotional and it made me sad. Alright, let's see what I've compiled so far...

Thursday, 12 March 2015

15 Day Book Blogging Challenge | The Last Book I Flung Across The Room (Day-4)

The first thing I thought when I saw the fourth topic for 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge this time was what?? Fling a book across the room? Are you crazy? Why??

First of all, I'm not really sure what the theme really means. And second, I have a guess but again, not quite sure if that's what the topic supposed to mean. After a short read in Stefani's blog post about this fourth-day challenge, I came into a conclusion that the theme I've guessed before is not wrong LOL! :p

Well, I never actually throw any books, let alone fling it across the room. No matter how dissappointed I am with the book. You know that I always keep all my books in a good condition, so throw it to the wall/the floor just because I hate the story is not worth it. It will harm the book, it gets ugly and I buy most of my books lately with my own money. If I didn't keep it well then I'd be wasting my money, right? ;)

Anyway, there're some books that makes me wanna fling it across the room. Well, not literally, for sure. Mostly because I was dissappointed on how the story ends or I think that I spent my cash on a terrible story. Here they are:

Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
(translated version)

I know that this book is a superstar. Got associated with several popular assassinations and honestly, it intrigued me to buy this book in the first place ;) But, turned out that the story is not that special or eye-opening or anything like that. It's quite absurd for me and I had a hard time following where the plot took me to. I haven't read the original version (English), but it's kinda impossible if the story got uglier (than the original) because of bad translation, don't you think?

Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote
(translated version)

If you're a fan of Pop Culture, this book might be in your popular reference of what's hit now and then ;) Yep, there's a movie adaptation (Audrey Hepburn was so iconic with her black dress and the sunnies and the big hat) of this book and I don't really see what the story is all about. Not from the book, not from the movie. Again, I feel like following an absurdness of a main character :/ And again, is it because of terrible translation? No? The only thing I care about in this book (or movie) is the cat :3 #CatLady


I'm quite cranky when it comes to translation since I automatically search for the English words when I found weird phrases used in a sentence in translated version books. So, I think translation may takes part in delivering the story in real way or not. 

How about you? What makes you wanna throw a book in an anger    the story? the ending? or maybe the price? ;)

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Thursday, 5 March 2015

I'm in Bloglovin. Again!

BOOK | Hush, Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick

Hai semua,

Hari ini mau post ulasan buku secara borongan nih. Karena baru ngelarin satu seri buku berjudul Hush, Hush karangan Becca Fitzpatrick beberapa waktu lalu.

Buku pertama dan ke-dua udah saya baca dulu banget pas jaman masih kuliah awal, dan baru kesempatan (beli dan) baca buku ke-tiga dan ke-empat belakangan ini. Karena duit yang habis mulu buat beli makeup #Oops dan list buku-buku baru yang terus masuk dan menggiurkan buat dibeli >.<!

Baiklah, daripada mulai meracau, mari masuk ke review ala saya...


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