Monday, 23 June 2014

March Haul - Forgotten

Hi guys!

Ini postingan yang terlupakan bahahaha Mestinya di-post bulan Maret lalu yak, tapi saya lupa kalau udah ambil foto segala. Jadi baru ditulis dan di-post sekarang deh :D

Review_March Haul 01
Anyway, bulan Maret lalu saya beli beberapa komik (still, tentang kucing) dan satu novel terbaru dari penulis Indonesia favorit saya, Sitta Karina.

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Trus juga belanja beberapa stationary kayak stamp bergambar kucing lucu ini :3 sama post-it warna-warni karena punya saya yang lama tiba-tiba raib. Belakangan waktu saya tanya nyokap, ternyata dibawa ke kantor -_-"

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Review_March Haul 05
Beberapa minggu kemudian saya juga beli buku-buku baru dan agak overshop karena kalap liat diskon 30% (kalau nggak salah inget) semua buku terbitan Gramedia di Togamas :p

Baiklah, sekian laporan haul yang tertunda. Doakan bisa lebih sering belanja-belanja buku lagi yak (dan makeup :p #teteup) biar bisa rutin post di sini. Siapa tau bisa update review juga ;) #alibi

Until then, see you on my next post! ^^

The Goodreads Tag

Hi guys!

I found this tag from Amy of A Little Boat Sailing and I think it's gonna be fun to do this tag since I rarely (or never!) do any tags about books. Here we go!

The Goodreads Tag 01
What was the last book you marked as read?
I'm gonna write it down proudly: A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I just finished it last Sunday :D It's a classic children story, but I guess the kids have to be able to read a long text to understand the story. Since it's not suitable to read before going to bed (pretty long, unless you read the shorter-illustrated version   if it's available). However, I always love a story about being a princess and the like. It always teaches me something and reminds me to go that way :)
What are you currently reading?
Well, I have bunch of books I need to finish so I think I'm not gonna start to open a new one (no matter how bad I wanna do that!), you can check them (yes, it's more than 1) on my Goodreads' currently reading list here ]. Among them, you'll find Class (previously Cum Laude), a YA novel written by the same author of Gossip Girl, Cecily von Ziegesar. Also, the infamous Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote.
What was the last book you marked as to read?
Since I'm pretty handy on ticking those little boxes, so I'm gonna go with By Nightfall by Michael Cunningham. But I've lost the book somewhere in my house since last year :( Let's hope I can find it soon *finger-crossed*
What do you plan to read next?
I have so many books to finish, so it's kinda difficult to choose to be honest :p I think I'm gonna continue to read Class again and try to finish it this time (like I did with A Little Princess). Wish me luck! ^^
Do you use the star rating system?
Of course! I like completing those little columns as long as it doesn't require a date task ;)
Are you doing a 2014 reading challenge?
Unfortunately, I'm not. Well, the reason might sounds pretty lame: it's because I'm afraid I can't fulfill it :p 
Do you have a wishlist?
Wishlist as in "to buy" list? Well, I guess I have one of that kinda lists. Here's mine [ to buy ] 
What book do you want to buy next?
Well, I'm still curious about how The Bliss Bakery Trilogy (by Littlewood Kathryn) will continue. So, next time I visit a bookstore, I guess I'm gonna grab a copy of the sequels. Oh and the rest 2 books of Abandon trilogy by Meg Cabot! :D 
Do you have any favourite quotes?
Ah, so many! Check them out here ]
The Goodreads Tag 02
Who are your favourite authors?
The very very favourite are Meg Cabot (for English books author) and Sitta Karina (for Indonesian books). Most of Meg's books accompany me through my awkward teens life and I still have them all and read them back again sometimes :) And Sitta Karina's stories always look real and she can write a story as it happens in reality, she used to inspire me a lot to write my own novel     well, back when schedule wasn't too cruel like today.
Have you joined any groups?
I have, but I'm not too active on those groups. I join because I wanna stay update to the news about the books I'm reading (or plan to read someday!). Sometimes fan-girling over hot  male characters :p

Alright, that's it from me. I know it's all written in English, but you can always translate them into Indonesian and write your own version. I tag you all to do this, let me know if you have done it and leave the link below.

Have fun! 


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